Fun & Easy DIY Toys for Kids Using Recycled Materials

Educational toys for our young kids can get rather expensive – especially when they grow up and quickly outgrow the toys for tech gear such as an iPad!
Instead of constantly buying new toys year after year and spending money on items that don’t last, it’s smarter (and more environmentally friendly) to make your own toys. Not only can you make it extra safe for your children and save costs, but you will also be helping to reduce waste while teaching your children what it means to live sustainably.
A win-win-win for your wallet, your children’s development, and the environment.
1. Fun Glittery Bottles
Just grab one of those small water bottles and add a variety of small and colorful toys with a generous sprinkle of glitter and fill up the bottle to near the brim with water. If you have superglue, this is one occasion to use it on the bottle cap to prevent any accidental spillage!
2. Sensory Boards
Develop your child’s sense of touch and recognition of different textures is important for their development.
Just simply create a cardboard wall and hang various objects (or glue them) to the board for your kids to run their hands through to explore the different shapes and textures. These can range from felt letters to carpet patches to wooden beads and seashells. You can also instruct and sit by them explaining the different items as they are running their hands over the different shapes.
3. Fabric Foam Blocks
Kids love to play with blocks – especially little toddlers. As parents, creating fabric foam blocks is one of the easiest ways to recycle your old fabrics into a constructive toy!
Simply cut foam into small block shapes, place some leftover fabric (from old clothes or other projects) over it and sew them together. It’s that quick and simple!
4. Glove Monsters & Heroes
Have a pair of extra cotton gloves lying around from your winter travels? Instead of them sitting idly in your wardrobe, why not convert them into fun and cute glove monsters & heroes!
You can simply create monstrous teeth from fabric and sew on button eyes or if you are more creative, you can design them to look like your favorite Marvel character. Best of all, kids themselves can entertain each other with a puppet show and playing in character with those puppets!
5. Baby DIY Cloth Book
Introducing your toddler to books can be tough, but here is a fun alternative that educates them just as well – a DIY cloth book.
Simply cut rectangle felt pieces and bind them together with cloth strings to turn it into a book. Within the book itself, feel free to decorate however you’d like to educate your little ones. Want them to learn more about animals? Sew on animal shapes. Prefer them to learn more about colors? Sew on shapes with a variety of colors.
The options are limitless!
6. The Discovery Jug
Young kids love to discover new objects and learn what they might be – and you can help them by creating your very own discovery jug!
Simply bring out one of those big milk or orange juice carton jugs, wash it clean, and fill them up with small toys and shapes. If the jug is clear, then you can wrap it with old wrapping paper to make it opaque.
In fact, you can turn it into a spelling jug by only putting in letters inside and getting your kids to form letters during the first 8 letters taken out – fun and educational at the same time!
At the Eco Fairy, our goal is to help you build a more sustainable life by offering you a line of reusable products. We offer products that last and that will help you reduce the amount of plastic you use.
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