Supporting Local Farms Can Benefit the Environment





There are various health and economic benefits of buying locally grown food. For instance, it promotes food safety and supports the local economy, but have you ever wondered how buying local could benefit the environment? 


🟢 Decrease in Food Miles 


One of the most crucial ways purchasing local food helps the environment is by reducing food miles. The more food miles collected during food transportation, the more fossil fuels are burned, allowing more harmful greenhouse gas emissions to be released into the atmosphere. 


Purchasing local food, however, doesn’t require any of this as it involves purchasing goods that have been produced in your local environment. Overall, if we buy local produce and goods, we can cut down on our food miles and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions significantly. 


🟢 Protects Local Land 


Buying local food can help protect local land and wildlife. When we purchase local products, we support our local farmers and help them successfully operate their business. When this happens and farmers are compensated well for their products, they are less likely to sell their land, which would often be redeveloped for industrial or commercial use. These uses would release significantly more greenhouse gas emissions than farming does and would further eliminate habitats for the wildlife living on the local area. 


🟢 Creates Fresh Produce 


Many local farmers tend to keep their products organic, preservative free, and pesticide free. This is not only advantageous for the health of consumers but is beneficial for the environment as well. By not using pesticides and other harmful toxins, farmers are improving air quality and preventing water and air pollution. Furthermore, since the food is local and is directly given to supermarkets, there is often less waste. For instance, many imported goods often go bad before they are purchased, producing lots of waste. By buying local, this is avoided, and food waste is significantly less. 



At the EcoFairy, our goal is to help you build a more sustainable life by offering you a line of reusable products. We offer products that last and that will help you reduce the amount of plastic you use.   


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